Mapping Port Attributes

Although the Data Calculator component creates column-to-column mapping between the input port and output port as a default option, there may be times when you want to individually map port attributes.

  1. On the Data Calculator component window, click the Graph tab.
  2. Map the input port and output port in one of these ways:
    • Select Mapping in the menu bar, and select one of these predefined mapping sequences:
      • Create Mapping by Order – sequentially maps the port attributes of the input port and output port.


        If the number of attributes is different, some port attributes are not mapped.

      • Create Mapping by Name – maps the port attributes of the input port and output port according to their names.

      • Create Mapping by Name Case Sensitive – maps the port attributes of the input port and output port according to their case-sensitive names.

      • Create Mapping by Prefix – maps the port attributes of the input port and output port by name, ignoring the specified prefixes.

      • Create Mapping by Best Match – maps the port attributes of the input port and output port that sound alike.

    • Connect the input port and output port attributes individually.