Configuring the Alert Service on UNIX

Define e-mail alert notifications in IQ InfoPrimer. If you are configuring the alert service on a UNIX installation of IQ InfoPrimer Server, edit the GridNode.ini file.

Note: The alert service configuration is also required to use the uSMTP JavaScript function.
  1. Navigate to the etc folder in the installation directory.
  2. Use a text editor to open the Default.ini file and define the alerting configuration in the “SMTP” section, to match your SMTP server and account information:
    Server = SMTP Server name
    Port = port number of the SMTP Server
    Sender = account@SMTP Server
    Credential = user/password
    RetryCount = retry count
    RetryInterval = retry interval
    For example:
    Server = localhost
    Port = 25
    Sender = admin@localhost
    Credential = admin/7357506276773D3D
    RetryCount = 0
    RetryInterval = 5
  3. Save and close the file.