Existing Files Are Overwritten

When you upgrade or reinstall Replication Server Data Assurance Option, the installer overwrites most existing files from a previous installation.

The installer does not overwrite the files in: This ensures that any previously chosen Data Assurance administrator (da_admin) or DASD administrator (dba) passwords are not updated.

The installer replaces previously installed JAR files with more current files. You cannot downgrade to an earlier version once these files have been removed.

Installing Replication Server Data Assurance Option 15.7.1 over an earlier version overwrites the installation logs, which contain a record of the installation parameter values used in the earlier version. You may want to make a copy of the log directory before you upgrade.

Installing Replication Server Data Assurance Option 15.7.1 over an earlier version also overwrites the uninstaller files, which means the previous uninstaller will be unavailable.