
Configures and shows DA server configuration parameters.


config [parameter_name [parameter_value]]


The current values of all the global configuration parameters are stored in the Data Assurance System Database (DASD).

Global Configuration Parameters




Specifies the connection timeout, in seconds, between the DA server and the DA agent.

Default: 5

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the length of time the connection between the DA server and the DA agent remains open, even when there is no activity between them.

Default: 60

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of rows the agent buffers in its output queue. The DA server reads the rows from the queue. The agent temporarily stops reading rows from the database table when the queue is full.

Default: 1000

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum queue size for server requests for retry comparison and reconciliation.

Default: 100

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter requires a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of SQL statements the DA server sends to the DA agent in a single invocation.

Default: 100

Min: 1

Max: 10000

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Determines the number of samples stored in memory during a comparison run.

A boundary_sample_size value that is too low leads to uneven spacing of boundary samples stored because of fewer boundaries to choose from.

Default: 64

Min: 8

Max: Integer.Max_Value

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Determines how often rows are sampled during a comparison.

A boundary_sample_step value that is too low leads to DA taking more time to search for the boundary samples.

Default: 1000

Min: 1

Max: Integer.Max_Value

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Determines how many boundary samples per compareset are stored in the DASD once a comparison is completed.

The boundaries_stored value cannot be greater than the boundary_sample_size, because DA stores only a subset of the boundary samples obtained during a comparison run.

Default: 8

Min: 8

Max: 1024

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Determines the level of password encryption the server requires.

Default: 0

Valid values:
  • 0 – allows the client to choose the encryption algorithm used for login passwords on the network, including no password encryption.
  • 1 – restricts clients to use only the RSA encryption algorithms to encrypt login passwords on the network. This provides strong RSA encryption of passwords. Clients that attempt to connect without using the RSA encryption fail.

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Determines whether the internal column option helper visits the database to fetch column metadata to select the most appropriate column compare modes when choosing defaults.

Default: true.

Valid values: true or false.

When set to false, the default column compare modes are not verified and may be illegal.

When job comparisons are created with explicit column compare modes, this parameter is redundant.


Specifies the maximum number of comparison threads used for concurrent comparisons.

Default: 5

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the threshold value, in seconds, a DA server comparison can hold on to a comparison thread before attempting a retry.

If the value is higher than retry_delay_sec, the DA server comparison holds on to the current comparison thread while waiting to retry. This may delay another comparison thread that is in the queue from starting.

If the value is less than or equal to retry_delay_sec, the DA server comparison releases the current comparison thread and starts processing the next comparison in the queue.

Default: 20

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, for job information to remain in the monitor job view.

Default: 300

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


The maximum number of single keys in a WHERE clause.

Default: 10

Min: 1

Max: 100

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the minimum number of keys used when calculating the selection criteria for keys as a range rather than as individuals.

Default: 5

Min: 2

Max: 100

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the minimum fill percentage required when combining “single” keys into a range. When selecting a result set of adjacent or near-adjacent row keys, it is usually faster to select keys in a range rather than specifying each key separately in your statement.

For example, to select every alternate rows between 1 to 100, use:
"select ... where id in(1,3,5,7..97,99)"
Alternatively, you can fetch all rows in a range:
"select ... where id >=1 and id <= 100"

Fetching all rows in a range is typically faster than running one or more in(...) statements. The above example has a fill percentage of 50, because only half of the selected rows are required. DA server skips all the extra rows.

Default: 10

Min: 1

Max: 100

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the minimum fill percentage required when combining “single” keys into a range for literal comparison.

Default: 90

Min: 1

Max: 100

Note: Typically, you should set comparer_retry_min_fill_percent_literal to a higher value than comparer_retry_min_fill_percent because the cost of transmitting extra literal row data soon outweighs the performance benefit of range selection.

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of scale digits (digits to the right of the decimal point) in a number that is compared.

If a number's scale is greater than the configured scale rounding value, its scale is rounded up to the nearest scale rounding value number of digits. For example:
  • For 1.002 to equal 1.0017, set the scale rounding to 3 or lower.
  • For -467.84921 to equal -467.849207, set the scale rounding to 5 or lower.

A value of zero (0) disables this parameter.

Default: 10

Min: 0

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of database connections DA agent allows to be open concurrently per connection profile.

Default: 5

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

Note: Access to the database is blocked, if the limit is reached.

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of retries by the connection manager to connect to a database if the initial attempt fails.

Default: 2

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum wait time for the connection manager between successive database connection attempts.

Default: 3

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the default compare mode for columns.

Default: column_hash

Valid values: literal, column_hash, or row_hash

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the hash algorithm for the Adaptive Server database.

Default: MD5

Valid Values: MD5 or SHA

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies whether to ignore the issue of the Adaptive Server hashbytes limitation when calculating multihash values for the Adaptive Server database.

Default: true

Valid values: true or false

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the byte order option in the hash algorithm for the Adaptive Server database.



This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies whether or not to generate job reports.

When you set enable_report_generator to false, it prevents the report generator from creating XML and text reports when a job history item is viewed and the reports have not yet been generated. This may be useful if the column log is very large, and the reports may take a long time to generate.

Default: true

Valid values: true or false

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of threads used for external sort.

Default: 5

Min: 3

Max: 10

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of rows that can be sorted in memory.

Default: 1000000

Min: 2

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of files used for external sort.

Default: 60

Min: 10

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies whether or not to compress the data files.

Default: false

Valid values: true or false

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the minimum number of rows required in a database table for activating external sort.

Default: 1000000

Min: 2

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the file output encoding for all reconciliation scripts and report files.

Valid values: Any character set encoding supported by the DA server Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of large object (LOB) bytes to read and compare.

Default: 1024

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of statements in a reconciliation transaction. If the number of statements needed is greater than the specified number, you need multiple transactions. A value of zero means unlimited number of statements in a transaction.

Default: 0

Min: 0

Max: 2147483647

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum column width in a text report.

Default: 30

Min: 10

Max: 80

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum line length in a text report.

Default: 200

Min: 100

Max: 1000

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.


Specifies the maximum number of rows to show in each "page" of differences.

Where a page consists of a list of rows displayed in the order they were encountered.

Default: 10

Min: 1

Max: 2147483647

Changing this parameter does not effect the reports that are generated earlier.

This parameter does not require a restart of DA server to take effect.
