create job

Creates a new job from one or more comparesets, schedules, and comparison options.


create job job_name
[set MAX_CONCURRENT_COMPARISONS [{to|=}] number_of_max_concurrent_comparisons]
[and set DESC [{to|=}] description] 
add comparison comparison_name
set COMPARESET [{to|=}]compareset_name
[and set ABORT_DIFF_MAX [{to|=}] number_of_differences]
[and set ABORT_DIFF_ROW_COUNT [{to|=}] {true|false}]
[and set COMPARE_MODE [{to|=}] {row_compare | key_compare | row_count}] 
[and set COMPRESS_DATA_TRANSFER [{to|=}] {true|false}]
[and set CREATE_COL_LOG [{to|=}] {true|false}
    [and set AUTO_RECONCILE [{to|=}] {true|false}]
    [and set CREATE_RECON_SCRIPT [{to|=}] {true|false}]]
[and set DESC [{to|=}] description]
[and set ENABLE_ROW_COUNT [{to|=}] {true|false}]
[and set EXTERNAL_SORT [{to|=}] {true|false}]
[and set HASH_TYPE [{to|=}] {database_hash | agent_hash}]
[and set NUM_PARTITIONS [{to|=}] number]
[and set PRIORITY [{to|=}] {highest | high | normal | low}]
[and set RETRY_DELAY_SEC [{to|=}] number_delay_second]
[and set RETRY_DIFF [{to|=}] {never | wait_and_retry }]
[and set RETRY_MAX [{to|=}] number_of_retries]
[with column option
   set column_name [{to|=}] {literal | column_hash | row_hash}
  [and set column_name [{to|=}] {literal | column_hash | row_hash}]
[and comparison comparison_name2…]
[add schedule schedule_name
[set TYPE [{to|=}] {once | cron | every_day | every_week | every_month}
[and set EVERY [{to|=}] n
[and set DATE [{to|=}] date_value
[and set TIME [{to|=}] time_value
[and set KEEP [{to|=}] keep_value
[and set KEEP_UNIT [{to|=}] {day | week | month | forever}
[and set CRON [{to|=}] cron_value
[and set DESC [{to|=}] description
To clone an existing job:
create job job_name with exist_job_name
Note: When you clone a job with schedules, the new job includes the cloned schedules but they are active.

To create a job with a comparison for each compareset:

create job job_name  
   [set description [{to|=}] description
   [and set max_concurrent_comparisons [{to|=}]
  add comparison foreach compareset 
       [{include | exclude} compareset_name_pattern
       [and compareset_name_pattern]…]
       [and set ABORT_DIFF_MAX [{to|=}] number_of_differences
       [and set ABORT_DIFF_ROW_COUNT [{to|=}] {true|false}
       [and set AUTO_RECONCILE [{to|=}] {true|false}
       [and set COMPARE_MODE [{to|=}] {row_compare | key_compare | row_count} 
       [and set COMPRESS_DATA_TRANSFER [{to|=}] {true|false}
       [and set CREATE_COL_LOG [{to|=}] {true|false}
       [and set CREATE_RECON_SCRIPT [{to|=}] {true|false}
       [and set DESC [{to|=}] description
       [and set ENABLE_ROW_COUNT [{to|=}] {true|false}
       [and set EXTERNAL_SORT [{to|=}] {true|false}
        [and set HASH_TYPE [{to|=}] {database_hash | agent_hash}       
       [and set NUM_PARTITIONS [{to|=}] number
       [and set PRIORITY [{to|=}] {highest | high | normal | low}
       [and set RETRY_DELAY_SEC [{to|=}] number_delay_second
       [and set RETRY_DIFF [{to|=}] {never | wait_and_retry }
       [and set RETRY_MAX [{to|=}] number_of_retries
[add schedule schedule_name
[set TYPE [{to|=}] {once | cron | every_day | every_week | every_month}
[and set EVERY [{to|=}] n
[and set DATE [{to|=}] date_value
[and set TIME [{to|=}] time_value
[and set KEEP [{to|=}] keep_value
[and set KEEP_UNIT [{to|=}] {day | week | month | forever}
[and set CRON [{to|=}] cron_value
[and set DESC [{to|=}] description

This command creates multiple comparisons using all existing comparesets that match with the compareset name pattern.

Note: You can use both add comparison foreach compareset and add comparison name in the same create job command.

