Wildcard Characters

Wildcard characters allow command line tool (CLT) commands to return a subset of results.

Filter results using: You can use both wildcards multiple times in a single command.
Wildcard Examples
Command Description
show job *

Shows all jobs. Same as show job command.

show job a*

Shows all jobs with names beginning with "a". The shortest match is the name “a”.

show job *z
Shows all jobs with names ending with "z". The shortest match is the name “z”.
show job a*z

Shows all jobs with names beginning with "a" and ending with "z". The shortest match is the name “az”.

show job ***

Shows all jobs. The additional wildcards are ignored.

show job a?

Shows all jobs with names beginning with "a" that are two characters in length. For example, “ab”, “a1”, and “a2”, but not “a” or “a12”.

show job ???

Shows jobs with names that are three characters in length.

show job a?m*z

Shows all jobs with names beginning with "a", followed by any character, followed by "m", followed by zero or more characters and ending with "z". For example, “almaraz”.

Related reference
Data Assurance Server Command Reference
Remote Data Assurance Agent Command Reference