create job

Creates a new job from one or more comparesets, schedules, and comparison options.


create job job_name
set max_concurrent_comparisons [{to|=}] 
[and set desc [{to|=}] description]]
add comparison comparison_name
set COMPARESET=compareset_name
and set comparison_param [{to|=}] value
[with column option 
set column_name [{to|=}] {literal | column_hash | row_hash}
[set column_name [{to|=}] {literal | column_hash | row_hash}] […]]
[and comparison comparison_name 
set COMPARESET =compareset_name
and set priority [{to|=}] {highest | high | normal | low}…
[with column option
set column_name [{to|=}] {literal | column_hash | row_hash}
[set column_name [{to|=}] {literal | column_hash | row_hash}]
[add schedule schedule_name  
set schedule_param [{to|=}] value
To clone an existing job:
create job with exist_job_name
set max_concurrent_comparisons [{to|=}] 
[add schedule schedule_name  
set schedule_parameters [{to|=}] value
[and set desc [{to|=}] “description”]
create job job_name with exist_job_name


  • job_name – the name of the job to be created.
  • exist_job_name – the name of an existing job to be cloned.
  • comparison_name – the name of the comparison to be added to the job.
  • compareset_name – the name of the compareset to be added into the comparison.
  • schedule_name – the name of the schedule to be added.
  • max_concurrent_comparisons – (Optional) the number of the comparisons that can be run concurrently with a job. The default value is 5
  • description – (Optional) description of the agent. Use double quotes if you are using a reserved word or blank spaces.
  • comparison_param – defines various comparison options for the job, all of which are optional.
  • value – defines a value for the comparison_param.
    Comparison Options
    comparison_param value


    Aborts row comparison if the difference count exceeds the specified value.

    Valid values: 1 to 9223372036854775807.

    Default value:1000.


    Determines whether to abort row comparison if table row counts do not match.

    Valid values: true or false.

    Default value: false.


    Indicates whether to automatically apply the reconciliation script.

    Valid values: true or false.

    Default value: false.

    Note: To enable AUTO_RECONCILE, set CREATE_COL_LOG to true.


    Specifies the row comparison mode.
    • row_compare – compares all table rows.
    • key_compare – compares the primary key columns.
    • row_count – compress row count.

    Default value: row_compare.


    Compresses the row data between the agent and the server.

    Valid values: true or false.

    Default value: false.


    Generates a column differences log, which lists all missing, orphaned, and inconsistent row values (keys and columns). Create a column log if you want to:
    • Generate a reconciliation script
    • Perform automatic reconciliation
    • Generate a detailed report

    Valid values: true or false.

    Default value: false.


    Generates a reconciliation script. To use this parameter, you must also set CREATE_COL_LOG to true.

    Valid values: true or false.

    Default value: false.


    Determines whether or not to count source and target table rows before they are compared. DA server uses the row count to estimate the comparison progress and end time.
    Note: DA server counts rows if COMPARE_MODE is row_count. Use ENABLE_ROW_COUNT only if COMPARE_MODE is a value other than row_count.

    Valid values: true or false.

    Default value: true.


    Sorts rows on the agent, thereby reducing the impact of processing the ORDER BY clause in the databases.

    Valid values: true or false.

    Default value: false.


    Specifies the hash type for the comparison.
    • database_hash – use the hash function provided by the database.
    • agent_hash – use the hash function provided by Replication Server Data Assurance Option.

    Default value: database_hash.


    Specifies the retry option.
    • never – no recompare.
    • wait_and_retry – run recompare based on RETRY_MAX and RETRY_DELAY_SEC settings.

    Default value: never.


    Specifies the number of seconds delay for each recomparison.

    Valid values: 0 to 86400.

    Default value: 10.


    Specifies the total number of recomparison for rows that have differences resulting from a previous comparison.

    Valid values: 0 to 100.

    Default value: 3.

    Column Comparison Option
    Column Option Value


    Specifies for how each column is compared.
    • column_hash – compares using column hash value.
    • row_hash – compares all columns with this option together with a whole hash value.
    • literal – compares using column literal value.
  • schedule_param – defines the scheduling option for the job.
  • value – defines a value for schedule_param.
    Scheduling Option Parameters
    schedule_param value


    Specifies a date in the scheduler.


    Specifies a time in the scheduler.


    Specifies the day of the month in the scheduler.


    Specifies the cron option value in the scheduler.


  • Example 1 – creates a new job named “myjob_1”:
    create job myjob_1
    set max_concurrent_comparisons = 3
    add comparison mycomparison_1 
    set compareset=mycompareset_1
    and set priority = high 
    with column option
    and set a = literal
    set b = hash
    and comparison mycomparison_2 
    set compareset=mycomparset_2
    and set priority = normal 
    with schedule myschedule_1 
    set type=every_days
    and set every=2
    and set time=10:00
    and set keep=1
    and set keep_unit=months
    and set date=2011-05-05
    The returned result is:
    Job “myjob_1” was created successfully.
  • Example 2 – clones “myjob_1” to a new job “myjob_2”:
    create job myjob_2 with myjob_1 
    The returned result is:
    Job “myjob_2” was created successfully.


  • The names of the comparisons in a cloned job are generated automatically (if not explicitly specified). The rule is job_name_cloned_comparison_sequence_number, where sequence_number starts from one.

  • When cloning jobs, you can redefine only the scheduling options. The comparison options are automatically imported from the existing job.