Creating a Tenant-Specific Security Configuration

John creates a new security configuration that defines production-ready security providers for ABC to prepare the domain for eventual package deployment.

The package uses a security provider created exclusively for ABC's domain. These security providers are configured against ABC's own repository so only ABC users are the ones authenticated in a production deployment of the package.

  1. Log into Sybase Control Center with the user credentials of John/John.
  2. Click Security in the navigation pane, select the General tab in the administration pane, and click New.
  3. In Create Security Configuration, name the security configuration ABCAppSecurity, then click OK.
  4. In the navigation pane, expand the Security folder and click the new security configuration node.
  5. In the administration pane, click the Authentication tab then click New to add a new LDAP security provider.
  6. Select as the login module.
  7. Configure the LDAP properties.
    The AuthenticationSearchBase and RoleSearchBase properties ensure that only users and groups in the ABCCompany organization unit are allowed access to ABC data.
    Property Value
    BindDN cn=Directory Manager
    ControlFlag required
    BindPassword secret
    AuthenticationSearchBase ou=ABCCompany,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
    DefaultSearchBase dc=example,dc=com
    ProviderURL ldap://localhost:10389
    RoleMemberAttributes uniquemember
    RoleSearchBase ou=ABCCompany,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
    AuthenticationScope onelevel
    ServerType openldap
    RoleScope onelevel
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Authentication, Authorization, and Attribution tabs, delete NoSecLoginModule, NoSecAuthorizer, and NoSecAttributer, respectively.
  10. In the General tab, click Validate.
    A confirmation message is displayed upon success.
  11. If the validation is successful, click Apply.