Setting Up the RSOE for Unwired Server RBS Services

John uses Sybase Control Center to configure and start the RBS RSOEs for the development version of Unwired Server.

John must also load the correct certificate file because the connections will be secured using HTTPS.
Tip: If the certificate used by the IIS/Apache server (hosting the Relay Server plug-in) is issued by a well-known Certificate Authority, then this certificate configuration step is not required. Alternatively, you can choose to have RSOE connect to the HTTP port of IIS/Apache (device application clients will still connect to the HTTPS port of IIS/Apache).
  1. In the navigation pane, click Servers > <ServerNode> > Server Configuration.
  2. Select the certificate:
    1. In the administration pane, select the Outbound Enabler tab, then click Certificate Files.
    2. Click the + button to browse and select the .CRT file to upload, then click Open.
      Select the server public certificate used for securing the HTTPS port.
    3. Click OK.
  3. Configure the RSOEs.
    While Sybase recommends three RSOEs per synchronization type, one should be sufficient for a development environment.
    1. In the administration pane, expand the Servers folder, expand the server name node, click the Server Configuration node, click the Outbound Enabler tab, then click New.
    2. Configure general properties:
      Property Value
      Farm type RBS
      Unwired sever port 2480
      Relay server host
      Relay server port 443
      Unwired server farm SUPRBSFarm
      Server node ID PrimarySUPDev
      Certificate file The file just uploaded
      TLS type RSA
      Trusted certificate Not applicable. The certificate file contains only a single certificate.
    3. Configure start-up options by accepting all defaults, and exit the wizard.
  4. In the Outbound Enabler tab, select the newly configured RSOE and click Start.