Business Requirements for Domain Package Deployment

Business requirements are primarily driven by ABC via the service level agreement (SLA) they share with Acme.

Requirement Action required
ABC Corporation is a client and needs hosted mobility services. Because Ram is domain administrator for ABC, Ram must deploy the package to the correct domain.

Furthermore, ABC expects authentication providers to be defined exclusively for its Unwired Platform domain.

Quality assurance policy dictates that new or modified applications be tested on the development environment first before deploying it to the production network on ABC's domain. Packages that pass testing must be deployed to the production system easily, using the configuration defined with in the test cycle. Both Tom and John conjointly decide on those values.

The test cycle can and should be used to enhance the mobility experience of its users if an update is required.

ABC events must be logged to a domain-specific log and each event cannot be deleted until 10 days have passed. Furthermore, application usage must be monitored and performance indicators gathered to assist with ongoing environment tuning. John must enable logging and monitoring at the domain level, and configure data retention according to the service level agreement defined.