Customizing Run-Test Perspective

Reorganize and resize the perspective to make it easier to use.

  1. Drag the Activate Project view from the middle of the left side of the screen to share space with the Server view in the top of the left side.
    The two views are now adjacent tabs.
  2. Click the Server View to bring it to the foreground.
  3. Drag the vertical slider (the one separating the left-side views from the right-side views) to the right, until you can see the names of all views in the lower left portion of the screen.
  4. (Optional) In the main menu bar, choose Window > Save Perspective As... and enter a name, to save this as a custom perspective.
    You can use this custom perspective at any time, for any project.
  5. (Optional) To revert to the default perspective, choose Window > Reset Perspective....
Use the highlighted views in the remaining tutorial tasks.
Related concepts
Run-Test Perspective