Statement on Support for Multibyte Characters

SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor supports UTF-8 encoded data within data streams, but with some limitations.

  1. UTF-8 encoded data is supported in both input streams and derived streams (including output streams). Thus, events streamed or loaded into Source Streams may contain UTF-8 encoded data, and this data is correctly carried through the project. Testing has shown that the server and studio are able to receive, store, display and output UTF-8 encoded data.
  2. String functions support non-ASCII data when the utf8 project deployment option in the project configuration (CCR) file is set to true. The only operators supported for non-ASCII UTF-8 strings are =, <, >. The use of non-ASCII string data in expressions in any other way (including filter expressions) is not supported. For information on the project configuration file, see the Configuration and Administrators Guide.
  3. Constants and literals cannot be assigned UTF-8 values outside the ASCII range.
  4. Adapters have not been tested with (non-ASCII) UTF-8 data.
  5. Non-ASCII characters are not supported in metadata such as stream names, column names, and so on.
  6. The Studio interface, error messages, logs, and so on are only supported in English.