Programmatically Reading and Writing CCL Files

Using the CCL read/write SDK, you can create new CCL files, read existing files, and modify the CCL statements within files with a set of SDK calls.

You can open, read, and write CCL files using a set of Java classes that allows you to manipulate a CCL parse tree programmatically. You can create custom tools that interact with CCL files (such as a translator from CCL to a different file format or a user interface to visualize CCL files) without also having to create your own parser and pretty-printer to manipulate CCL code as they have already been built in the SDK.

The CCL read/write SDK is constructed using the same Eclipse technologies (XTEXT and EMF) that Studio visual and text editors use to manipulate CCL files. The programs and examples created within this SDK can be run in a standalone manner outside of the Eclipse IDE.