Disk Space and Memory Requirements

To ensure optimal performance, install Event Stream Processor on a server machine that meets or exceeds the minimum disk space and memory requirements.

The Event Stream Processor installer relies on temporary files it copies to your machine. Ensure you have enough disk space to accommodate these temporary files as well as the installed program files.

The following table lists approximate, minimum disk space requirements for Event Stream Processor, taking into account both the temporary files and the installed program files.

  ESP Server Only ESP Server and Studio
Windows (Win 32) 600MB 1GB
Windows (Win 64) 600MB 1GB
Note: The installer requires 500MB of temporary disk space as part of the installation process. This applies to all platforms.

These disk requirements do not take into account the sizes of your Event Stream Processor project-related files.

Memory requirements vary, depending on the size, number, and complexity of projects you run. In general, SAP recommends that you allocate at least 1GB free memory for Event Stream Processor-related activities.