Publishing in Direct Access Mode

Publishing in direct access mode is a multistep process that involves creating and connecting to a publisher, then identifying the stream to publish to and the data to publish.

The following code snippets are provided to illustrate one way of publishing and not as a complete, working example. Adapt this sample as necessary to suit your specific publishing scenario.

  1. Create a publisher:
    NetEspCredentials creds = new NetEspCredentials
    NetEspPublisher publisher = project.create_publisher(creds, error);
  2. Connect to the publisher:
  3. Get a stream:
    NetEspStream stream = project.get_stream("WIN2", error);
  4. Get the Message Writer:
    NetEspMessageWriter writer = publisher.get_message_writer(stream,
  5. Get and start the Row Writer, and set an opcode to insert one row:
    NetEspRelativeRowWriter rowwriter = writer.get_relative_row_writer(error);
    rowwriter.set_opcode(1, error);
  6. Set the column values sequentially, starting from the first column. Call the appropriate set method for the data type of the column. For example, if the column type is string:
    rc = rowwriter.set_string(“some value”, error);
  7. When you have set all column values, end the row:
    rc = rowwriter.end_row(error);
  8. Publish the data:
    rc = publisher.publish(writer, error);