Automatic Installation of Event Stream Processor Studio into SAP HANA Studio

SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor 5.1 SP03 introduced the ability to install ESP Studio as a plugin into SAP HANA Studio using a post-installation procedure. In ESP 5.1 SP04, the procedure is fully automated, eliminating the need to manually edit configuration files as part of the post-installation procedure.

To install the ESP Studio plugin into SAP HANA Studio, ensure you have SAP HANA Studio version 1.0.60, build ID 201306271550 379371 or higher installed. When installing ESP, select the Custom installation option, then indicate that you want to install the SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Plug-in for SAP HANA Studio. When prompted, provide the location of your SAP HANA Studio installation. The ESP installer automatically installs the ESP Studio plugin as part of the installation process.