Default Settings

Properties that configure default settings for all session connections.

Property Name Description

Type: string

(Required) Specifies whether the adapter acts as a server or a client. Each adapter instance operates in either acceptor mode or initiator mode, but cannot simultaneously operate in both modes. Valid values are:
  • Acceptor – the adapter acts as a server accepting connection requests from FIX session initiators.
  • Initiator – the adapter acts as a client connecting to FIX session acceptors.

No default value.


Type: nonNegativeInteger

(Required) Specifies the port on which the adapter listens for connections from FIX session initiators. No default value.

Operates only in initiator mode.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the directory path for message logs. Both absolute and relative paths are accepted. No default value.

Use a forward slash for both UNIX and Windows paths.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the directory path for message stores. Both absolute and relative paths are accepted. No default value.

Use a forward slash for both UNIX and Windows paths.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the time the FIX session is activated. No default value.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the time the FIX session is deactivated. No default value.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the absolute or relative paths to the FIX dictionary file path. No default value.

Use a forward slash for both UNIX and Windows paths.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the value of the BeginString field (tag 8) in outbound FIX messages. No default value.


Type: string

(Required) Specifies the value of the SenderCompID field (tag 49) in outbound FIX messages. An adapter instance uses the same SenderCompID value for all session connections.


Type: nonNegativeInteger

(Optional) Specifies the heartbeat interval, in seconds. Default value is 10.

Operates only in initiator mode.


Type: positiveInteger

(Optional) Specifies the interval, in seconds, between reconnection attempts.

The adapter keeps trying to reconnect if it fails to connect to the acceptor engine at start-up or if the connection is lost afterward. Default value is 30.

Operates only in initiator mode.


Type: nonNegativeInteger

(Optional) Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a logon response before disconnecting from the acceptor engine. Default value is 10.

Operates only in initiator mode.


Type: nonNegativeInteger

(Optional) Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a logout response before disconnecting from the acceptor engine. Default value is 2.

Operates only in initiator mode.