Command Usage

The Reuters Marketfeed adapter converts data from the Reuters Market Data System (RMDS) to the Event Stream Processor and vice versa.


esp_rmds -f mapFile -p host:port/workspace/project [ OPTION ...]


esp_rmds can operate as either an input or an output adapter. An input adapter passes data from RMDS in to the Event Stream Processor. An output adapter passes data from the Event Stream Processor out to RMDS. A single adapter instance cannot operate both ways. To have an input adapter and an output adapter, you must run two separate adapter instances.

The metadata describing the connection has several parts, including a map file, a configuration file, and possibly a configuration stream resident on a running instance of the Event Stream Processor.

Only limited Level 2 data is available via RMDS Marketfeed. For full order book depth, use the Reuters OMM adapter (esp_rmdsomm).

The Marketfeed adapter process runs as a daemon, getting its configuration from a map file. It handles SIGHUP; so you can enter kill -s SIGHUP pid on Linux or kill -s HUP pid on Solaris (where pid is the process ID of the esp_rmds daemon, which you can obtain using the ps command) to gracefully shut down the adapter. Using the KILL signal rather than the HUP signal may prevent a complete clean up of system resources.

There are three directories containing additional information underneath the directory where the adapter is installed: doc, examples, and config. The doc directory contains Reuters README files that describe various configuration options. The examples directory contains several example map files that demonstrate many features. The config directory contains example RMDS configuration files. Minimally, you must modify the RMDS config file with your site's specific information. Typically, you must also modify the map file to match the Event Stream Processor.

Required Arguments



To start an input adapter, using the map file, running a project named project1 in a workspace named ws1 on port 19011 of the localhost machine, enter:

esp_rmds -c user:pw -p localhost:19011/ws1/project1 -a in -f