Example: Configuring the RAP Adapter

Set the configuration, publisher, and RDS template files to configure the RAP adapter for communication between RAP and Event Stream Processor.

  1. Set the $RAPOUT_HOME environment variable to $ESP_HOME/adapters/rap_out directory.
  2. Navigate to the $RAPOUT_HOME directory.
  3. Create a project defining the streams you want to publish to RAP, and save it to a file named model.ccl in the $ESP_HOME/bin directory.
  4. Start Event Stream Processor.
    1. Start the example cluster.
      cd %ESP_HOME%\cluster\nodes\node1
        %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_server --cluster-node node1.xml
    2. Compile CCL to create CCX.
      %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_compiler -i model.ccl -o model.ccx
    3. Deploy the project on the cluster.
      %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_cluster_admin" --uri=esp://localhost:19011 --username=sybase --password=sybase --add_project --workspace-name=w1 --project-name=p1 --ccx=model.ccx
    4. Start the deployed project on the cluster.
      %ESP_HOME%\bin\esp_cluster_admin" --uri=esp://localhost:19011 --username=sybase --password=sybase --start_project --workspace-name=w1 --project-name=p1
    1. Start the example cluster.
      cd $ESP_HOME/cluster/nodes/node1
        $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_server --cluster-node node1.xml
    2. Compile CCL to create CCX.
      $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_compiler -i model.ccl -o model.ccx
    3. Deploy the project on the cluster.
      $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_cluster_admin" --uri=esp://localhost:19011 --username=sybase --password=sybase --add_project --workspace-name=w1 --project-name=p1 --ccx=model.ccx
    4. Start the deployed project on the cluster.
      $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_cluster_admin" --uri=esp://localhost:19011 --username=sybase --password=sybase --start_project --workspace-name=w1 --project-name=p1
  5. In the $RAPOUT_HOME/config directory, modify the espfeedhandler.xml configuration file to specify which Event Stream Processor streams are providing data to RAP. For example, the file below configures the adapter to publish a single stream called Trades:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  6. In $RAPOUT_HOME/config, modify the existing publisher file to specify the multicast address used by the RAP subscriber. For example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  7. In $RAPOUT_HOME/templates, create an RDS template for each stream you want to publish to RAP.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Template xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    			<MessageDesc>Split Event</MessageDesc>
    Ensure that the template file is copied to the RAP subscriber template directory