
In a streamMap, the dateTimeField element maps a Reuters date or time FID (or one of each) to a date column, a timestamp column, or both, in an Event Stream Processor source stream.


adapter                                      (required, limit one)
  |----publication                           (required, limit one)
  |----streamMaps                            (required, limit one)
  |      '----streamMap                      (required)
  |             |----dataField               (required)
  |             |----hiResTimestampField     (optional)
  |             |----imageField              (required for L2 data)
  |             |----itemName                (required, limit one)
  |             |----itemStale               (optional)
  |             |----marketByOrderKeyField   (required)
  |             |----marketByPriceKeyField   (required)
  |             |----marketMakerKeyField     (required)
  |             |----nullField               (optional)
  |             |----respTypeNumField        (optional)
  |             |----sequenceNumber          (optional)
  |             |----serviceName             (optional)
  |             '----updateNumber            (optional)
  |----rfa                                   (required, limit one)
  '----itemLists                             (required, limit one)
         '----itemList                       (required)
                '----item                    (optional)






Name Description Requirement
dateName The FID of the date value provided by RMDS See Note
timeName The FID of the time value provided by RMDS See Note


The dateTime datatype, which combines both date and time, is the most commonly used datatype for date/time information in Event Stream Processor data streams. In most cases, however, the updates provided by RMDS and brought in to the Event Stream Processor by the Reuters OMM adapter use separate FIDs for date and time.

To address this discrepancy, the map file provides the dateTimeField element, which provides separate attributes for date and time, allowing you to map two FIDs (one for date, one for time) to the same column in the source stream definition.

If dateTime is used, it must be used alone. The dateName and timeName attributes can be used either separately or together. One of these three attributes must be used.

The value for each FID must match one listed in the FID list referenced in the Reuters-side configuration file (the FID list provided with the adapter is named appendix_a). This file is referenced in the rmdsomm.cfg configuration file.


<streamMap name="marketByOrderStream">
        <itemName key="true"/>
        <!-- serviceName / -->
        <sequenceNumber />
        <dataField name="BID"/>
        <dataField name="ASK"/>
        <dataField name="TRDPRC_1"/>
        <dataField name="ACVOL_1"/>
        <dateTimeField timeName="TIMACT" dateName="ACTIV_DATE"/>

This example maps the TIMACT and ACTIV_DATE FIDs together to the ninth column of the Event Stream Processor source stream marketByOrderStream.