
In a subscription section in an output adapter map file, identifies the stream from which the adapter obtains the data it publishes to RMDS.


adapter                                   (required, limit one)
  |----rfa                                (required, limit one)
  '----subscriptions                      (required, limit one)
         '----subscription                (required)
                '----stream               (required)
                       |----name          (required, limit one)
                       |----service       (optional)
                       |      '----enum   (required)
                       |----stale         (optional)
                       |----field         (required)
                       '----constant      (optional)




Name Requirement
Name One
Service Optional
Stale Optional
Field One or more
Constant Optional


Name Description Requirement
exitOnStreamExit This is a boolean attribute. When true,RMDS terminates if the stream exits, the Event Stream Processor exits, or the connection is lost. Optional
finalizer This string specifies an action to take if the specified number of heartbeat milliseconds elapse without an event being published to the Event Stream Processor. Optional
heartbeat This integer specifies the number of milliseconds to wait without an event being published to the Event Stream Processor before executing the finalizer action. Optional
name The name of the stream from which the adapter receives the data it publishes on RMDS Required
templateNumber A Reuters template set up in the RMDS configuration Optional


You must define the value of the name attribute in the Event Stream Processor project.

Any stream in the Event Stream Processor project can map to only one stream section in the map file.

The templateNumber must be a unique identifier of the stream for which it is defined


<stream name="stream1">
        <name column="0"/>
        <field column="4" name="TRDPRC_1"/>
        <field column="9" name="BID" precision="5"/>

This example configures the Event Stream Processor to publish data from a stream named stream1.