Getting Stream Information from the Project

Gather the necessary information about the Reuters stream.

The first step in configuring the input adapter is to determine the source streams on Event Stream Processor which will receive the RMDS market data. If the Event Stream Processor project does not already include one or more streams for this purpose, define a new stream (or streams) for use with the Reuters adapter.

After you have chosen (or defined) the streams that will receive data from the Reuters Marketfeed adapter, collect information about that stream from your project file. The Event Stream Processor project file contains one or more stream definitions. Each stream definition specifies a data stream that is instantiated when Event Stream Processor is started. The stream definition comprises:
  • A unique ID for the stream
  • A database store and output file for the stream data
  • A list of the columns used as the unique key value for each row in the data stream

Once you have decided which streams will carry the RMDS data provided by the Reuters adapter, get information from the stream definition in the project file. There is no standard for project file names. Two Event Stream Processor installations may have completely different stream definitions, but the definition of any stream includes the same basic set of components.

These instructions refer to the example project to show what components of the stream configuration you must identify to configure the Reuters Marketfeed adapter.

  1. Open the project to which the adapter provides data. The example shown here is the $ESP_REUTERS_HOME/examples/example.ccl file supplied with the Reuters Marketfeed adapter distribution.
  2. Find the name of the source stream. The opening SourceStream tag specifies the name of the stream as the value of the id attribute. The first source stream in this example is named “stream1.”
    The stream used for subscription by the Reuters Marketfeed adapter must always be a source stream.
  3. Determine the key fields. Examine each of the column entries between the opening and closing SourceStream tags to see if the key attribute is set to true. In this example, “stream1”, has one key field, “symbol.”
  4. Carefully note the number and order of the column entries in the source stream definition.
    In the input adapter map file, list the same set of data in the same order.