Remote Control Interface

The remote control implementation expects to receive requests as DataObjects that contain specific attributes.

Remote Control Interface Attributes
Attribute Description
Method Name of the operation.
UserName Name of the user sending the request.
HostName Host name the request originates from.
Comment Any comment.
ControllerName Name of the Adapter Controller. For example, Adapter.Controller.
Password If set, ensure this matches the ControlPassword property for the adapter.
Arg1…ArgN Arguments for the method.
Remote Control Methods (Operations)
Operation Description
pause Invokes pause() on all adapter components. No messages are processed until the adapter is told to resume.
resume Invokes resume() on all adapter components. Messages are processed again.
terminate Invokes terminate() on all adapter components. All source components inform the controller that they are exiting, and the controller then exits.
kill Invokes System.exit(0), which ends any controller processes.
logLines Returns the last N lines from the adapter output logger. The OutputLogger caches the last N lines it writes. The default is 10, but you can change this by using the LogLinesToCache property.
status Invokes getStatus(), which returns a string on all components and publishes a consolidated status message on the control interface reply subject. The control utility can then display the results. If you write your own component, you can override the getStatus() method.
setLogLevel Invokes setLogLevel(arg1,arg2) on the adapter OutputLogger. setLogLevel assumes that arg1 and arg2 in the request DataObject are loglevel and scope. An example is INFO DEFAULT.
customControl Assumes that arg1 in the request DataObject is the name of an adapter component. The remote control forwards the entire request DataObject to the component by calling customControl() on the component. You can edit this.