Defining a Persistent rs_lastcommit

The rs_lastcommit table is non-persistent by default. It is held in memory and cleared when the stream is shut down. This results in a full replay of all remaining items within the Replication Server when the stream is restarted. Sybase recommends making rs_lastcommit persistent to minimize the replay of transactions following a stream restart.

In Studio:

  1. Add rs_lastcommit to the project.
    1. Select the rs_lastcommit table returned as part of the schema discovery process and click Next.
    2. Choose Create a new input window and click Finish.
    3. Set the "origin" column as the primary key.
  2. Configure rs_lastcommit to use the persistent log store.
    1. In the Palette, expand Shared Components.
    2. Select and drag the Log Store component from Shared Components over to the project.
    3. Edit the store property in rs_lastcommit so that it selects the log store.