Configuring an Output Connection to Reuters

Modify the sample configuration file for your site's RMDS connection. If you have multiple adapters using multiple RMDS connections, you may need a separate and uniquely named configuration file for each one. For a configuration file with a different name, either change the entry in the output adapter map file or specify that file name using the -F option to the esp_rmdsomm command.


During the installation process a sample configuration file, rmdsomm.cfg, was placed in the $ESP_RMDSOMM_HOME/config directory. This file follows the Reuters format for configuration files, and includes sections for site-specific information for noninteractive and interactive publishing to RMDS.

  1. Obtain this information from your system administrator:
    • Port number at which the src_dist or RMDS infrastructure server listens for updates from the Reuters OMM adapter
    • Name of the server that receives updates from Event Stream Processor
  2. Decide whether to publish to RMDS interactively or non-interactively.
  3. If you have not already done so when specifying an input connection from Reuters, make a copy of the sample configuration file in your $MY_CONFIG directory.
    cp $ESP_RMDSOMM_HOME/config/rmdsomm.cfg $MY_CONFIG
  4. Use a text editor to open the configuration file.
    1. If you are going to publish to RMDS interactively, go to the site-specific information section for interactive publishing. In the \Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\connectionType line, refer to the value “RSSL_PROV,” which is the Reuters term for an information provider.
      ## Site-specific values for OMM Outbound - Interactive publishing to RMDS
      # Interactive publisher
      \Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\connectionType = "RSSL_PROV"
      ## grab a free port until the MDH is setup with 2nd src_dist instance
      \Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\rsslPort = "14007"
      \Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\connectRetryInterval = 7000
      \Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\hostName = ""
      \Sessions\SessionOMMProv\connectionList = "Connection_RSSL_PROV"
      In the \Connections\Connection_RSSL_PROV\rsslPort line, replace the default port number (14007) with the port number at which your IPC server listens for updates from the Reuters OMM adapter, if different.
    2. If you are going to publish to RMDS non-interactively, go to the site-specific information section for noninteractive publishing. In the \Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\connectionType line, refer to the value “RSSL_CPROV,” which is the Reuters term for a client provider.
      ## Site-specific values for OMM Outbound - Non-interactive publishing to RMDS
      # non-interactive publisher
      \Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\connectionType = "RSSL_CPROV"
      \Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\hostName = ""
      ## Within Sybase, this non-standard port is a proxy to the standard 14003
      \Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\rsslPort = "14010"
      \Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\connectRetryInterval = 7000
      \Sessions\SessionOMMCProv\connectionList = "Connection_RSSL_CPROV"
      In the \Connections\Connection_RSSL_CPROV\rsslPort line, replace the default port number (14010) with the port number at which your IPC server listens for updates from the Reuters OMM adapter, if different.
  5. To change the name of the log file, go to the local file logging section.
    ## General values
    ## local file logging
    \Logger\AppLogger\windowsLoggerEnabled = false
    \Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerEnabled = true
    \Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerFilename = "rfa.{p}.log"
    In the \Logger\AppLogger\fileLoggerFilename line, replace the default name, rfapub.{p}.log, with the name you want to use. The Reuters library replaces the {p} string in the default file name with the UNIX Process ID when it creates the log file.
  6. Save the modified file.