WSSink Properties

The WSSink component is a client implementation of a Web service, allowing communication with remote services.

WSSink is consistent with the WSDL descriptor in lib/WEB-INF/WSAdapterSource.wsdl.

Note: Build server-site Web services based on the WSDL descriptor located in lib/WEB-INF/WSAdapterSource.wsdl of the adapter installation directory.
The Web service client uses simple objects called data transfer objects (DTOs) as data containers. The classes used are:
  1. com.sybase.adapter.soap.DataTransferObject
    public class DataTransferObject {
    private String name;
    private int opcode;
    private Object[] data;
    Ensure the structure of the data field is the same as that defined in the Web service. You can obtain metadata for DTOs.
  2. com.sybase.adapter.soap.DTOMetaData
    public class DTOMetaData {
    private String name;
    private DTOAttribute[] attributes;
    which uses class:com.sybase.adapter.soap.DTOAttribute
    public class DTOAttribute {
    private String name;
    private String xsdType;

    DataTransferObject, DTOMetaData, and DTOAttribute all offer getter and setter methods. You can also obtain object definitions from the WSDL descriptor of the service.

Property Description
URL (Required) URL string of the server Web service. Example of valid value is "".
TypeN (Required) Name of the message type with which the source component transmits data. TypeN is also the name of the exposed DTO.
TypeN.<DOType> (Required) Name of the DTO configured on the remote service.
ManualMapping (Optional) If true, sink uses mapping AttName->DtoAttName given in the configuration file. If false, sink gets DTO information from the service and assumes that all attribute names defined in DTO are also present in the incoming adapter message.
TypeN.AttName++ (Dependent optional) Name of the field as passed by the source within the adapter. It is also the name of the DTO attribute.
TypeN.<AttName++>. DTOAttName (Dependent optional) Name of attribute defined by remote Web service for the selected DTO type.
DiscardedLoggerName (Optional) Name of logger responsible for logging any records that have not processed successfully.
Related tasks
Example: Using the WSSink Component