Datafeed Parameters

Datafeed parameters configure the datafeed for the NYSE adapter.

Refer to the MAMA Developer's Guide for detailed information about these parameters.

Parameter Name Type Description
middleware string (Required) Specifies the name of the middleware API. Currently only Configuration 9 wmw (NYSE TCP Middleware) is supported. Default value is wmv or lbm.
subscriptionTimeout positive integer (Required) Specifies number of seconds the adapter waits, without receiving an initial value, before it resends a market data subscription request.
subscriptionRetries positive integer (Required) Specifies the number of attempts to make to obtain an initial image for a subscription.
dictionaryTransport string (Required) Specifies transport over which the MAMA dictionary is requested on adapter start-up.
dictionaryNamespace string (Required) Specifies namespace from which the MAMA dictionary is requested on adapter start-up.
dictionaryTimeout positive integer (Required) Specifies the number of seconds the adapter waits, without receiving a response, before it resends a MAMA dictionary request.
dictionaryRetries positive integer (Required) Specifies the number of attempts to make to obtain the MAMA dictionary.