AsapSink Properties

The AsapSink component takes records from the source and delivers them to Event Stream Processor.

Ensure that every input adapter configuration includes exactly one AsapSink component.


Property Description


(Dependent required) Connect to the Server running in cluster mode. For example, esp://localost:19011/ws1/p1.

User (Required) The initial connection between AsapSink and Event Stream Processor requires authentication. Enter a valid user name known to Event Stream Processor.
Passwd (Required) The initial connection between AsapSink and Event Stream Processor requires authentication. Enter a valid password for the user name configured above.
Note: If the UseSSL property is set to true, the user and password information is passed to the Event Stream Processor before the SSL connection is set up. These details are passed in plain text.
Stream++ (Required) The name of the stream to which the data is delivered.
IsEncrypted (Optional) If present and set to true, AsapSink attempts to use an SSL connection to Event Stream Processor.


(Optional) If true, server RSA authentication is used to connect to the Server. If you specify this property, also provide the KeyStore and KeyStorePassword properties.


(Optional) Used for server RSA authentication. Specifies the location of the keystore (.jks file). Set this property if you specify UseServerRSA.


(Optional) Specify the keystore password. This is used for server RSA authentication. Set this property if you specify UseServerRSA.


(Optional) If set to true, User and Password authentication (for example, Kerberos) is used to connect to the Server. If you specify this, provide values for User and Password.

SHINE (Optional) Shine through is used for update and upsert operations. If this is set to true and a field value is set to null, then an update to an existing record does not affect the value of that field.
PublishMethod (Optional) Determines how the data is published to the Event Stream Processor: RECORD, COLLECTION, ENVELOPE, TRANSACTION.

(Optional) Asks platform for SYNC_BASE_STREAMS. When set to true, the publisher.commit() method is called after each batch is published to the platform.

Default value is false.

DiscardFile (Optional) Name of the file where discarded SDOs should land.
TruncateDiscardFile (Optional) If set to true, the file is truncated.
EspOpsColumn (Optional) If set, the value of the ESP_OPS attribute in the incoming records is written to the corresponding column and the record is treated as UPSERT regardless of the ESP_OPS value.
Related tasks
Example: Using the AsapSink Component