Output Stream Parameters

The output stream parameters are defined within the outboundStreamType parameter.

These parameters are defined in the tibcorvadapter.xsd file in the config folder.

Parameter ID Type Description
name string (Required) Specifies the name of the data stream.
gdmode boolean

(Advanced) If set to true, the adapter runs in guaranteed delivery (GD) mode and all GD-related parameters become required. Default value is false.

gdkeycolumnname string

(Advanced) Specifies column name in the Flex operator holding the GD key. The GD key is a constantly increasing value that uniquely identifies every event regardless of the opcode in the stream of interest. No default value.

gdopcodecolumnname string

(Advanced) Specifies name of column in Flex operator holding opcode. The opcode is the operation code (for example, inserts, update, or delete) of the event occurring in the stream of interest. No default value.

gdcontrolstream string

(Advanced) Specifies name of the control window in the GD setup. The control window is a source stream that informs the Flex operator of which data has been processed by the adapter and can be safely deleted. No default value.

gdbatchsize integer

(Advanced) Specifies number of records after which the control window must be updated with the latest GD key. Default value is 1000.

gdpurgeinterval integer

(Advanced) Specifies number of records after which to purge the Flex operator. Default value is 1000.

Related concepts
Guaranteed Delivery