Upgrading to Aleri Streaming Platform 3.x

If you are running version 2.x of Aleri Streaming Platform, use the esp_upgrade utility to upgrade to 3.x before attempting your migration.

Use the esp_upgrade utility to upgrade from Aleri 2.x to Aleri 3.x. The Event Stream Processor conversion tool, which converts AleriML files to CCL, is based on the 3.x version of AleriML. Therefore, convert any models written for Aleri 2.x to Aleri 3.x before migrating them to CCL.

The utility reads project data from a specified AleriML file and writes it to a standard XML output file. The utility handles most upgrade issues automatically, but requires manual updates for:
  • Converting rules (esp_upgrade comments these out in the XML file)
  • Converting expressions (these occur only within converting rules, so are commented out in the XML file as well)
  • Converting row local storage to eventCaches

To perform the upgrade:

  1. From a command line, run:
    esp_upgrade sourcefile.xml > destinationfile.xml
    where sourcefile.xml is the 2.x project file and destinationfile.xml is the upgraded 3.x file.
  2. Modify the output XML file (destination.xml) as necessary to address the manual upgrade issues.
  3. Save and close the file.
    You are now ready to run the Sybase® Event Stream Processor migration tool to migrate your AleriML files to CCL.