CCL Editor Authoring

The CCL editor is a text authoring environment within ESP Studio for editing CCL code.

You can work in the CCL editor exclusively, or use it as a supplement to the Visual editor. The CCL editor offers syntax completion options, syntax checking, and error validation.

A single CCL file can be open in only one editor at a time. The Visual and CCL editors are completely integrated: when you save and switch to the other editor, your work is saved there as well.

Most users new to Event Stream Processor find it easier to get started in the Visual editor. As you gain experience with the product, and learn to successfully compile and run a simple project, you may want to use the CCL editor to add advanced features to your projects.

For example, you can add:
  • Complex queries that exceed the capabilities of the Visual editor
  • DECLARE blocks for declaring project variables, parameters, datatypes, and functions
  • SPLASH event handlers that you invoke with Flex operators
  • User-defined functions
  • Reusable modules and schemas that can be used multiple times in a project, or across projects

For CCL language details, see the Programmers Guide.