Adding Guaranteed Delivery

Enable guaranteed delivery (GD) for a window when you need to ensure that the window’s output is delivered to subscribers.


Create a log store in which your guaranteed delivery window can store its events.

  1. Choose the window you would like to support GD.
  2. (Optional) If a window that you want to support GD does not exist, create a new window:
    1. In the Visual editor Palette, in Streams and Windows, select an option to create a window.
      Windows that support GD include Input Window, Derived Window, Flex, Aggregate, Compute, and Join.
    2. Select a location in the diagram and click to add the window.
  3. Select the window and look at its Properties view. (If the Properties view is not visible, from the main menu select Window > Show View > Properties.)
  4. In the the Properties view, select the General tab, then:
    1. In the Store field, enter the name of the log store you created for this GD window.
    2. Click to select the Guarantee Delivery checkbox.
Related tasks
Creating a Log Store