Activating a Project

Start monitoring the selected project using one or more input views: Playback, File Upload, SQL Query, Monitor, and Event Tracer.

  1. Open the Studio in the Run-Test Perpsective.
  2. In the Activate Project pane, specify the views you want.
    1. Click None to clear any existing selections.
    2. Click All to select all of the views or click the checkbox next to those views you want to start up.
  3. If you already have a view open showing another project, click Override active view to stop monitoring that project and monitor the project you are activating instead.
    If you do not check this option, any views currently monitoring another project will continue to do so.
  4. Select the project you want to activate and click OK.
    Studio displays the name of the project you activated in the upper left hand corner and starts monitoring the project in each of the selected views.