Key Field Rules

Key field rules ensure that rows are not rejected due to duplicate inserts or the key fields being NULL.

When the result of a join is a window, specific rules determine the columns that form the primary key of the target window. In a multitable join, the same rules apply because conceptually each join is produced in pairs, and the result of a join is then joined with another stream or window, and so on.

This table illustrates this information in the context of join types:

  One-One One-Many Many-One Many-Many
INNER Keys from at least one side should be included in the projection list (or a combination of them if keys are composite). Keys from the right side should be included in the projection list. Keys from the left side should be included in the projection list. Keys from both sides should be included in the projection list.
LEFT Keys from the left side alone should be included. Not allowed. Keys from the left side should be included in the projection list. Not allowed.
RIGHT Keys from the right side alone should be included. Keys from the right side should be included in the projection list. Not allowed. Not allowed.
OUTER Keys should be formed using firstnonnull () on each pair of keys from both sides. Not allowed. Not allowed. Not allowed.
Related reference
Join Examples: ANSI Syntax
Join Example: Comma-Separated Syntax