CCL Comments

Like other programming languages, CCL lets you add comments to document your code.

CCL recognizes two types of comments: doc-comments and regular multi-line comments.

The visual editor in the ESP Studio recognizes a doc-comment and puts it in the comment field of the top-level CCL statement (such as CREATE SCHEMA or CREATE INPUT WINDOW) immediately following it. Doc-comments not immediately preceding a top-level statement are seen as errors by the visual editor with ESP Studio.

Regular multi-line comments do not get treated specially by the Studio and may be used anywhere in the CCL project.

Begin a multi-line comment with /* and complete it with */. For example:

This is a multi-line comment.
All text within the begin and end tags is treated as a comment.

Begin a doc-comment with /** and end it with */. For example:

This is a doc-comment. Note that it begins with two * characters
instead of one. All text within the begin and end tags is recognized
by the Studio visual editor and associated with the immediately 
following statement (in this case the CREATE SCHEMA statement).

The CREATE SCHEMA statement provided here is incomplete; it is shown only to illustrate that the doc comment is associated with the immediately following CCL statement.

It is common to delineate a section of code using a row of asterisks. For example:

Do not modify anything beyond this point without authorization

CCL treats this rendering as a doc-comment because it begins with /**. To achieve the same effect using a multi line comment, insert a space between the first two asterisks: /* *.