Extending an Existing Model

Attach extensions to any Sybase IQ or ASE physical data model, or to an logical data model that was generated from an ESP physical data model but not extended.

  1. Open the model you want to extend.
  2. From the PowerDesigner main menu, choose Model > Extended Model Definitions.
    Tip: If Extended Model Definitions is not in the menu, make sure that the extensions file is unzipped in the folder where PowerDesigner is installed.
  3. Click Import an Extended Model Definition import extended model definition.

    A list shows available extensions that have not been applied to this model.

  4. Select the correct model extension and choose OK.
    For example, to extend an ASE physical data model, choose ASE.
  5. In the List of Extended Model Definitions dialog, choose OK to extend the model.
PowerDesigner applies the ESP extensions to the model. No other changes are made. For example, a generic logical data model is not transformed to an ESP Schema model simply by adding the extensions.