
Contains information about registered guaranteed delivery sessions that may be active or inactive. In a guaranteed delivery session, a guaranteed delivery window transmits event information to a registered guaranteed delivery subscriber.

The _ESP_GD_Sessions metadata stream tracks all the guaranteed delivery sessions for a project. You can monitor the streams being subscribed to in a given guaranteed delivery sesssion, the client handle associated with a session and the last sequence number committed for a given GD session/stream combination.

When a project contains at least one stream that supports guaranteed delivery, Event Stream Processor stores _ESP_GD_Sessions in a metadata log store so the stream can be recovered after a restart. If a project contains no GD streams, _ESP_GD_Sessions is stored in a memory store, but it is not used.

In some situations, there is a delay in updating this stream as new subscriptions are added or existing windows are dropped.

Column Type Description
gd_key string The automatically generated key for the guaranteed delivery session. The gd_key is unique for a given gd_name/user_name combination.
stream_name string The name of the stream this guaranteed delivery session subscribes to.
user_name string The user associated with this guaranteed delivery session.
gd_name string The name of this guaranteed delivery session.
sequence_no long The sequence number of the last event committed from stream_name in this guaranteed delivery session. A value of 0 indicates that no commits have been issued.
client_handle long The active client handle associated with this guaranteed delivery session. A value of -1 indicates that there are no active clients for this guaranteed delivery session. For active connectors, the value is 0.
last_update bigdatetime The last time this stream entry was updated.

The key for this stream consists of the gd_key plus the stream_name—that is, there is one stream entry per gd_key/stream_name pair.