Monitoring with Metadata Streams

Metadata streams are automatically created by Event Stream Processor. Query and subscribe to these streams to obtain important health and performance information about the currently running project.

Some metadata streams contain static information that never changes while the project is running, for example, _esp_streams. Other streams continuously update at various periods or on various events. You can subscribe, query, and view metadata streams in the same way as regular streams. For example, you can use the esp_subscribe utility. This command subscribes to the streams _ESP_Connectors and _ESP_Streams from the project default/prj1, which is running on a cluster manager on localhost:11180, and prints all stream data in XML format on standard output.
esp_subscribe -c user-id:password -s _ESP_Connectors,_ESP_Streams -p localhost:11180/default/prj1

For details on esp_subscribe, see the Utilities Guide.

Note: The schema for metadata streams can change between releases as the set of statistics the streams report expands. New columns are added to the end of the schema for existing metadata streams. Keep this in mind when coding.
Cases where metadata streams differ from general streams: