Calling esp_cluster_admin

Log in to and exit the esp_cluster_admin utility.

Configure your environment variables.
For more information on the utility and its supported commands, see the Utilities Guide.
  1. Call esp_cluster_admin:
    $ESP_HOME/bin/esp_cluster_admin --uri=esp[s]://<host>:<port> --username=<user-name> --password=<password>
    You must provide a user name and password to log in to the utility. Login credentials vary, depending on your chosen authentication method.
    Note: If you omit the password parameter when you call the esp_cluster_admin tool, Event Stream Processor prompts you for the password and hides it as you type, which improves security.
  2. Run commands as desired. Enter help to view a list of the utility’s commands.
  3. To exit the utility, enter exit or quit.