Monitoring with Sybase Control Center

Sybase Control Center for SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor is a Web-based tool for managing and monitoring ESP Server nodes, clusters, projects, and other components of the Event Stream Processor environment.

The SCC architecture allows multiple administrators using Web clients to monitor and control all the Event Stream Processor components in an enterprise through one or more SCC servers. SCC for Event Stream Processor provides availability monitoring, historical performance monitoring, and administration capabilities in a scalable Web application that is integrated with management modules for other SAP products. It offers shared, consolidated management of heterogeneous resources from any location, alerts that provide state- and threshold-based notifications about availability and performance in real time, and intelligent tools for spotting performance and usage trends, all via a thin-client, rich Internet application (RIA) delivered through your Web browser.

Use SCC for Event Stream Processor to track a variety of performance metrics, gathering statistics that over time will give you powerful insight into patterns of use. You can display collected data as tables or graphs. By plotting results over any period of time you choose, from a minute to a year, you can both see the big picture and focus on the particulars. Detailed knowledge of how your Event Stream Processor environment has performed in the past helps you ensure that Event Stream Processor meets your needs in the future.

You can install Sybase Control Center using the Event Stream Processor installer. To read about SCC, go to