
Contains information on project CPU usage, memory consumption, and number of threads. Monitoring data is available only if the time-granularity option in the project configuration (CCR) file is set to greater than 0. The frequency of updates corresponds to the value of the time-granularity option. For example, if set to 1, an update is published every second, if set to 30, an update is published every 30 seconds, and if set to 0, reporting is disabled.

Column Type Description
project_name string Currently hard-coded to the word "project".
node_cpu_pct float Total CPU usage, as a percentage, by the project since the last update. Total CPU usage equals the system CPU usage plus the user CPU usage. Valid values are in the range from 0.0 to 100.00%. On multi-core machines, the percentage is relative to the total number of available cores. A value of 100% indicates a usage of 100% of all cores on the machine.
node_cpu_pct_system float The system (Kernel on Windows) CPU usage, as a percentage, by the project since the last update. Valid values are in the range from 0.0 to 100.00%. On multi-core machines, the percentage is relative to the total number of available cores. A value of 100% indicates a usage of 100% of all cores on the machine.
node_cpu_pct_user float The user CPU usage, as a percentage, by the project since the last update. Valid values are in the range from 0.0 to 100.00%. On multi-core machines, the percentage is relative to the total number of available cores. A value of 100% indicates a usage of 100% of all cores on the machine.
cpu_time interval Total CPU time for the project, in microseconds. Total CPU time is equal to the system CPU time plus the user CPU time.
cpu_time_system interval Total system CPU time for the project, in microseconds.
cpu_time_user interval Total user CPU time for the project, in microseconds.
time_since_start interval Duration of lapsed real time since the project was started, in microseconds.
startmem_usage_vm long Total amount of virtual memory, in bytes, used by the project at the time of the update.
mem_usage_rss long Total amount of system memory (RSS), in bytes, used by the project at the time of the update.
num_threads integer Total number of threads used by the project at the time of the update.
last_update bigdatetime Time of the current update.