Configuring an Open Client Connection to a Database

Create a service definition for an Open Client (OCS) connection to the Adaptive Server Enterprise database. OCS connections are supported only through the ASE Output adapter.

To set up an OCS connection from within Event Stream Processor:

  1. Set the Service Name parameter to a unique service name for the database service. This name is:
    • case-sensitive
    • must begin with a letter
    • may contain a character string consisting of either letters, numbers, underscores, dots, and colons.
    This service name is the value you specify to components, such as the Database adapter, that accesses external databases.
  2. Set the Type attribute of the service parameter to DB.
  3. (Optional) Add a description of your service entry in the Description parameter.
  4. Set the DriverLibrary parameter to esp_db_ocs_lib to connect to the Adaptive Server Enterprise database.
  5. Set the User parameter to the user name that you want to use when communicating with the external database.
    This value is unencrypted, so anyone with access to the services.xml may read the user name.
  6. Set the Password parameter to the password for your user name.
    To encrypt this password, add the encrypted="true" attribute after the password value and use the esp_cluster_admin utility to generate encrypted text.
  7. (Optional) Set the TDSPacketSize parameter for optimal performance. If not set, the default value for Open Client is used.
    See the CS_PACKETSIZE connection property in the Open Client documentation for more information.
  8. (Optional) Set the AppName parameter to help identify Open Client database connections used by the ASE Output adapter. If not set, the default value of "ASEOutputAdapter" is used.
    See the CS_APPNAME connection property in the Open Client documentation for more information.