
Contains information about the performance of all currently active gateway client connections. It contains a copy of data from the _esp_clients stream. Monitoring data is available only if the time-granularity option is set in the project configuration (CCR) file.

Column Type Description
Handle long A unique integer ID of the connection.
user_name string The user name to log in to the connection, shown once the user is authenticated.
IP string The address of the client machine, as a string.
host string The symbolic host name of the client machine, if available. If not available, host is the IP address of the client machine.
port integer The TCP port number from which the connection originates.
login_time timestamp The time the server accepts (but does not authenticate) the connection, in GMT.
conn_tag string The user-set symbolic connection tag name. If not set by the user, conn_tag is NULL.
cpu_pct float The CPU usage, as a percentage, by the client's gateway thread since the last update.
last_update date The time of the current update.
subscribed integer The status of a subscription to a stream, 1 if subscribed, otherwise 0.
sub_trans_per_sec float The client's performance, in transactions per second, received by the client since the last update.
sub_rows_per_sec float The client's performance, in data rows per second, received by the client since the last update.
sub_inc_trans long The number of transactions, envelopes, or messages received by the client since the last update.
sub_inc_rows long The number of data rows received by the client since the last update.
sub_total_trans long The total number of transactions, envelopes, or messages received by the client.
sub_total_rows long The total number of data rows received by the client.
sub_dropped_rows long The total number of data rows dropped in the gateway because they were not read quickly enough by the client. For lossy subscriptions.
sub_accum_size integer The current number of rows collected in the accumulator to be sent in the next pulse. For pulsed subscriptions.
sub_queue integer The number of rows queued for transmission to the client.
sub_queue_fill_pct float The current sub_queue, as a percentage, relative to the queue size limit. If sub_queue_fill_pct reaches 100 percent, any future attempts to post data to this client are blocked, propagating the flow control back to the source of the post.
sub_work_queue integer The number of rows for transmission to the client that are being transferred from the proper queue to the socket buffer. The rows can be regrouped by envelopes.
pub_trans_per_sec float The client's performance, in transactions per second, sent by the client since the last update. Envelopes and any service messages count as transactions.
pub_rows_per_sec float The client's performance, in data rows per second, sent by the client since the last update.
pub_inc_trans long The number of transactions, envelopes, or messages sent by the client since the last update.
pub_inc_rows long The number of data rows sent by the client since the last update.
pub_total_trans long The total number of transactions, envelopes, or messages sent by the client.
pub_total_rows long The total number of data rows sent by the client.
pub_stream_id long The numeric ID of the stream to which the client is trying to currently publish data. Typically, pub_stream_id is -1, meaning the client is not trying to currently publish data.