Default SOAP Result Checker Code

Default Result Checkers are built-in result checkers that are applied automatically on MBO operations by Unwired Server. They can be replaced by implementing and deploying a Custom Result Checker. This is the default result checker used to check results in SOAP Web service data sources.


import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault;


public class DefaultWSResultCheck implements WSResultChecker
{// CR593001 WSSOAPResults Checker
     * @param response the SOAP Envelope response from a web service execute. 
     * Use the SOAP API to retrieve values and determine if the SOAP request 
     * has executed successfully. 
     * @return a single Map.Entry. The boolean "key" value should be set to true. 
    public Entry<Boolean, String> checkReturn(SOAPEnvelope response)
       SOAPFault fault = null;
    	   fault = response.getBody().getFault();
       catch (Exception e)
    	   //If we're in here, no fault was found.
       if ( fault == null )
    	   return  new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Boolean, String>( true, "" );
    	   return  new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Boolean, String>( false, fault.getFaultString() );
