Retrieval of a List of Log Entries

Retrieves the domain log entries with the given filters, time range, offset and length.


List<DomainLogEntryVO> getDomainLogEntry(Collection<DomainLogFilterVO> filters, Date StartTime, Date EndTime, Long offset, Integer length) throws SUPAdminException;


If successful, returns an object of the specified type (can be null). If unsuccessful, returns SUPAdminException.


  • Retrieval
    DomainLogFilterVO dlfvo = domainLog.getDomainLogFilter("filter1");
    List<DomainLogEntryVO> logEntries = domainLog.getDomainLogEntry(
    		Arrays.asList(new DomainLogFilterVO[] { dlfvo }), null,
    		null, null, null);
    for(DomainLogEntryVO dlevo : logEntries){
    		for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : dlevo.getEntry().entrySet()){
    			System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue());