Backward Compatibility

When upgrading from a previous version of Sybase Unwired Platform, certain APIs are no longer supported, or are supported with limitations.

These APIs are no longer supported:

These APIs are supported with limitations:

Method Reason Notes
Deploy Package unification

You can still deploy the deployment units of the previous version. However, the package type passed to this method is ignored.

Clients of the previous version see the newly deployed package as an RBS package, however, the Unwired Server treats it as a unified package.

Packages deployed prior to the upgrade retain their type information for the older version of the client.

Method Reason Notes
getProperties() Package unification

Clients of the previous version see the newly deployed package as an RBS package, however, the Unwired Server treats it as a unified package.

Packages deployed prior to the upgrade retain their type information for the older version of the client.

Note: If using the 2.0 version of the Management API client to connect to a Sybase Unwired Platform 2.1 installation, you must get the uaf-client.jar shipped with Sybase Unwired Platform 2.0.1 in the Management API client libraries folder.