Image Properties

Select the Image control on the Screen Design page to view and configure its properties using the Properties page.

Note: The same limitations that apply to the AttachmentViewer limitations apply to the Image control. See the topic AttachmentViewer Limitations.
Property Description
Name The name of the image.
Input data binding
  • Key – the unique identifier within the scope of the widget, used when setting or retrieving a value.

    Click New key to create a new key for the control.

  • Default value – default value for the control.
Alternate text (Optional) Appears as text on the image if the image source invalid. In the generated HTML file, the alternate text is the value of the alt attribute for the <img> tag.
Image dimension Enter the height and width dimensions for the image.
  • Static – the value for the image is the file path to the image file, which may come from the client or server side.
  • Dynamic – the value for the image is binary data. This can come from the client or server side.
    Note: Dynamic images are not supported on Windows Mobile.
Related reference
AttachmentViewer Limitations