AttachmentViewer Properties

Select AttachmentViewer on the Screen Design page to view and configure its properties.


Property Description
  • Label – enter the text that describes the control on the user interface.
  • Label position – select the position of the label in relation to the control it describes.
Input data binding Select the key with which to bind the AttachmentViewer control, or click New key to create a new key. The key represents a binary attribute, which will be the contents of the attachment.
  • Key – the unique identifier within the scope of the workflow form, used when setting or retrieving a value.
  • Default value – default value for the control.
Read-only Select to make the control read-only.
Content The other way you can bind the AttachmentViewer to data is by using an object query and mapping the parameters of the object query to keys. Indicate which binary attribute of the object query corresponds to the contents of the attachment.
  • Use object query – select to invoke a specified object query.
    • Mobile business object – select the mobile business object that contains the object query to invoke.
    • Object query – specify the object query to invoke.
    • Attribute –specify the binary attribute value that corresponds to the attachment contents.
      Note: Ensure that the MBO binary attribute has a size specified that is big enough to support the size of the attachment when developing the MBO.
  • MIME type key – MIME type for attachments that are supported, for example, *.doc, *.xls and so on.
  • File name.
  • File size.
    Note: Attachments requested on demand are limited to 5MB after Base64 encoding.

Parameter Mapping

Use the Parameter Mapping section to bind the parameters (if any) of an operation or object query to keys or, context data, such as DeviceName, BackEndPassword, BackEndUser, and so on.

Personalization Key Mappings

If you have a mobile business object with load parameters mapped to transient personalization keys, you can specify values for those personalization keys when you invoke an operation or object query from the Mobile Workflow package. This can, for example, be useful for loading only specific data into the consolidated database from large data sources.