Properties View for Controls

Each control has a Properties view where you can view and configure properties for the control.

The tabs shown in the Properties view vary depending on the control.


Define the propertis for the control, such as alignment, text, style, span, and so on. The properties shown depend on the selected control.


Some controls have a Platform-specific tab that display only the properties that are platform-specific. The property values displayed in the Platform-specific tab can be read-only or configurable.

Use the Platform-specific tab to generate custom code subclasses for the generated code. Custom code extends the generated screen classes, which you can modify to further customize screens and controls. When you set the Generate a custom coding subclass option to "true," a "custom" folder is generated, where the custom subclasses are stored. This "custom" folder will not be overwritten upon subsequent code generation of the device application, so any customizations you have made to the code will remain intact.

Note: Platform-specific properties should have unique names within the application. If you give a property a duplicate name, the property is automatically removed and does not show on the device.


The Coding tab is displayed for controls and containers that support events. Events allow you to specify custom events on screens and screen controls during design time. For example, a table of e-mails can display records differently (maybe with an icon for unread mail) depending on the state of the e-mail.

Property Description
ID The internal ID of the control. This is a read-only field for informational purposes. Not all controls have IDs. This is left blank for controls that do not have an ID.
Base name An optional name for the control or display, for example, SubmitButton for a button control. This name can be empty, but if specified, it must be unique within a screen. This name is not localizable. Only alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscores (_) are allowed in the name.
Events Lists the available events for the selected control. The list of events varies according to the type of control selected. Select the events to customize by selecting one or more of the checkboxes.