Synchronization Initiated by Unwired Server

For replication-based synchronzation, you can configure Unwired Server to initiate a push notification to inform users when cached mobile business object (MBO) data changes. Messaging-based application are inherently capable of sending notifications when the data changes are noted in the CDB.

The Unwired Server administrator schedules notifications to inform registered mobile devices when data changes in the CDB. You can configure Unwired Server to either let device application logic determine if it should synchronize with the changed data, or override device application logic and force a synchronization.

Unwired Server initiated synchronization
  1. Unwired Server detects a change in the data cache; for example, through a data change notification (DCN) or a data refresh.
  2. Unwired Server notifies registered devices of changes to cached MBO data. If it is configured to do so, Unwired Server may force a synchronization with the device; for example, if the data is critical.
  3. Implement logic in device applications to appropriately react to push notifications, if the Unwired Server does not force a synchronization.